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Save time with job alerts

Looking for a new job or project can be rather time-consuming. Save time by creating a job alert with your own search criteria. If there is a suitable vacant position, we will contact you immediately via e-mail.


new job offers per day on average

Advantages of your job alert

  • Never miss relevant job offers again
  • Set the e-mail frequency yourself
  • Activate several job alerts at the same time


How to create a job alert in four steps

Step 1: Start your job search

Navigate to our job search and project portal. Search for a job or project using an appropriate term and the corresponding filters.


The more specific your filter settings are, the more relevant the displayed job offers will be.

Step 2: Create a job alert

Are you satisfied with your selected search criteria? Then click on "Activate job alert" above the first search result. The system will save the search criteria specified for your job alert. 

Step 3: Log in

You can manage your job alerts in your “My Hays” area. Please have your login data ready. If you do not have a login yet, you can simply register now – the registration process only takes two minutes 

Advantages of your registration

  • Apply for jobs in a quick and simple way
  • Save job offers and apply via multiple devices

Step 4: Activate your Job Alert

Enter a job alert name and define how often you want to receive e-mails from us. Save your job alert.

We wish you lots of success! 

No matter when and where you are - take a look at the new job offers right on your smartphone!


Benutzerschnittstelle Jobsuche
Benutzerschnittstelle Jobsuche
Benutzerschnittstelle Jobsuche


Always up-to-date with Hays job alerts

Let us look for new suitable job offers for you: Create a job alert with your own search criteria. You will then receive e-mails with new job offers that match your search criteria.