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experts in agile methods and agile project management

In times of digital transformation, agile coaches are essential for many companies to ensure the success of agile projects. They are experts in agile methods and help companies successfully integrate agility into their work processes. As transformation managers or change managers, agile coaches work closely with teams and managers and support them in responding quickly to changing requirements.
Agile coaches also play an important role in fostering a corporate culture characterised by innovation, self-organisation and continuous improvement. They help in organisational development to identify and eliminate obstacles and successfully implement agile projects. Agile coaches significantly increase the efficiency and productivity of a company through their work.

Agile Coach

  • For applicants
  • For companies
  • For freelancers

Looking for a new agile coach job?

Are you enthusiastic about agile methods and agile project management? Your competencies are in agility and organisational development and you already have extensive knowledge and certificates in this area? If you are looking for a new job in which you want to optimise work processes, establish an innovation culture and promote continuous improvement, and have the appropriate attitude to agile change in organisations, then together we will find your next job in agile coaching.

Looking for qualified agile coaches?

Agile coaches help your teams and managers integrate agile methods into their work processes and establish a culture of innovation and self-organisation in your company. Invest in an agile coach and benefit from improved productivity and adaptability from your employees and therefore your entire organisation. We will find the right agile coach for you.

Looking for new agile coaching projects? (m/f/d)

Are you an absolute team player, quickly familiarise yourself with new processes and always have an agile solution at the ready? Are the people behind the tasks also the focus of your thinking? As an agile coach, you are familiar with different frameworks and initiate agile projects of different sizes through the skilful use of different agile methods. If you would like to coach other companies in agile project management, then we will find your next project.


What do agile coaches do? Tasks and duties

Agile coaches help companies to work successfully in an agile manner and optimise their work processes. Their main tasks include:

Training and coaching: Agile coaches train and coach teams and managers in agile methods and frameworks such as Scrum, Kanban or Lean. They help to promote a culture of continuous improvement and self-organisation, as well as putting people at the centre of their work and conveying an attitude to them for their own actions.

Process optimisation: Agile coaches encourage companies to question, optimise and make their work processes more efficient. They identify bottlenecks and weak points and provide impetus to eliminate them in order to increase productivity through change processes.

Change management: Agile coaches introduce agile methods and frameworks to companies and organisations and support the change process. As mentors, they reduce resistance and promote the acceptance of agile working methods in teams.

Cooperation and communication: Agile coaches promote effective cooperation and communication in work groups and between teams and managers. They solve conflicts and create the basis for a positive working atmosphere as they put people at the heart of the process.

Which key competencies are essential for agile coaches?

In order for teams to be able to ultimately implement agile projects, agile coaches must have a wide range of key competencies. On the one hand, they need in-depth expertise in agile methods and frameworks, such as Scrum, Kanban, Lean or Design Thinking. On the other hand, they should have a good feel for the team in order to take up the current challenges and needs and develop solution concepts and suggestions for improvement.
With these skills, they can best perform their tasks as an agile coach:

  • Communication skills: This skill is the basic prerequisite for conveying complex concepts and ideas in a comprehensible manner and for creating a positive working atmosphere. Agile coaches must be able to communicate effectively with different stakeholders and resolve conflicts.
  • Empathy: Agile coaches have a high degree of empathy. They quickly find their way into the current work situation and are able to understand the needs of teams and managers. In doing so, they help to find compromises to the satisfaction of all parties involved.
  • Change management: Agile coaches are experienced in change management and initiate change processes. They support the entire organisational development process, thereby reducing resistance and promoting the acceptance of agile working methods by all project participants.
  • Problem-solving skills: Agile coaches analyse complex problems and develop tailor-made solutions. They detect bottlenecks, identify weak points and develop solution concepts to increase team productivity.


Agile coach training: Agile coaches should have this experience

Agile coaches have usually worked as Scrum Masters, product owners or in other agile roles and have practical experience in implementing agile projects. In addition, they have often completed training or certification as an agile coach.
In order to stay up-to-date and enhance their knowledge, agile coaches should regularly take part in training. A wide range of conferences, webinars and online courses help individuals to expand their knowledge.


What are the future prospects for agile coaches?

The modern working world is agile and constantly on the move. Projects are more likely to be carried out in sprints and milestones are targeted. This is exactly what defines the daily work of agile coaches. In order to make the business environment more dynamic, efficient and innovative, more and more companies are using the knowledge of agile coaches to establish the digital transformation and to react to changing market conditions. This leads to an increasing demand for experienced agile coaches.

The opportunity to work independently as an agile coach and to advise various companies also offers experienced specialists further career prospects.

Agile coach vs. Scrum Master: What are the differences?

Agile coaches and Scrum Masters have similar tasks and goals, but differ in their roles.
Scrum Masters are specialised agile coaches who focus on the implementation and success of the Scrum framework. Scrum Masters work closely with the development team to ensure that project participants are correctly applying Scrum practices. They ensure that the team conducts the Scrum events while preventing obstacles from hindering project progress.
By contrast, agile coaches have a wider perspective than Scrum Masters. They focus on improving and continuously applying agile practices in companies. They support the development of agile values and principles within the organisation and promote a culture of continuous learning and improvement. Agile coaches work primarily with the management, human resources and marketing and they also provide advice.


Agile coach salary: The extent of your earning potential

The salaries of agile coaches vary by industry, experience and region. The average salary of an agile coach in Austria is between EUR 50,000 and 60,000 per year.
With increasing experience and specialisation, agile coaches can move up to higher salary classes and earn a gross annual salary of up to EUR 100,000. However, the salaries of agile coaches depend heavily on the demand in the industry and the size of the company.


We connect qualified agile coaches with future-oriented companies

More and more companies rely on agile coaches who optimise processes, establish agile methods within the company and, in doing so, involve the entire team and managers. The right specialists should at best have professional experience in the respective industry and be up-to-date with the latest knowledge of agile methods and project management frameworks. In order to find the perfect individuals for projects and job vacancies, we compare the applicant profiles with the requirements of the companies looking for people. With the help of our innovative "Find & Engage" concept, we are able to find the perfect match within a few days. We then contact suitable candidates, brief them and establish contact with suitable companies. Both sides find out during a joint discussion whether they can envisage working together. Whether in a permanent positionor as a self-employed person doing freelance work– we draw up the contract simply and easily.

Top job vacancies for agile coaches

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